
Saturday, December 10, 2005

Drew Kaplan's Blog: Anshei Sfard

Drew Kaplan's Blog: Anshei Sfard
The last time I visited my sister this past spring in New Orleans, I had happened to go to Anshei Sfard, an old shul, perhaps a national landmark - I wouldn't be surprised. It was like a classical style shul, I want to say, as it was nice, but it was falling apart. The congregants were mainly old people - I don't mean that in a bad way, don't get me wrong - and the rabbi was a Chabad rabbi whose family lives in the area. They only had services Saturday and Sunday morning, I believe, though they had bagels for breakfast the Sunday morning I went. Their lack of population was due to the shul being downtownish and having been built before many Jews left for the suburbs, like Metairie. So why am I posting about this shul now? I just found out that the shul was apparently devastated by Katrina. And since I had taken some photographs of this shul pre-Katrina, I thought I would post them. Enjoy.

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