
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Drugsline-Chabad website launch make services accessible to all

Drugsline-Chabad, the drugs and alcohol rehab charity based in north-east London, today announced the launch of a wide ranging and interactive website.

Drugsline Director, Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin and Schools Caseworker, Darren Gold, joined students and staff at Beal High School to demonstrate how the new website can help those most in need.

Anyone with an issue relating to drugs can contact the service through the website or the helpline, as well as accessing valuable information on the effects of drugs and methods of help.

The website launch is part of Drugsline's push to extend its services and make sure more people can benefit from the help it can offer.

Drugsline Director, Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin said,

"The launch of the new website is an important step forward in terms of increasing Drugsline's accessibility.

"Anyone accessing the internet now knows how to contact Drugsline, wherever they may be in the country.

"We very much hope this will encourage both those who need help, and volunteers who can help them, to come forward."


* The new Drugsline website can be visited at

* The website will be launched by Rabbi Sufrin, Director of Drugsline and Darren Gold, Schools Caseworker on Tuesday 15th November at 3pm at Beal High School, Woodford Bridge Road, Ilford Essex IG4 5LP

* Drugsline became a registered charity in 1998. At its centre in Gants Hill, Drugsline provides counselling and rehabilitation programmes for people from all walks of life. Services include a freephone crisis helpline, a drop-in centre, formal and informal education for schools and youth groups, counselling and training.

* Over the last two years, Drugsline has provided a rapid response to over a thousand crisis line calls. Drugsline has also provided education on the dangers of drugs for 20,000 students and has ambitious expansion plans for the coming years.

For further information, to attend the event OR TO INTERVIEW Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin, please call:

Laura Montgomery or Gidon Freeman at Lexington Communications on 020 7395 8949 or 07979 695840 (Laura) or 07905 284846 (Gidon)

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