
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A tourist view

Llegamos a la tienda, B&H (, especializada en electrónica, fotografía y video. Todos los dependientes son judíos. La mayor parte son judíos ortodoxos (lubavitch) por lo que llevan trenzas, barba y un pequeño sombrerito, puesto que para un judío siempre debe haber algo situado entre su cabeza y Dios. Preguntamos a un dependiente si habla español, y nos dirige hacia otro vendedor de un mostrador cercano, Federico, originario de Asturias, y con menos pinta de judío que ninguno. Cada uno compramos una tarjeta de 512 Mb, el precio es similar a España. En los 6 dias haremos más de 1.400 fotos entre los dos, una media de más de 200 fotos al dia. Al salir de B&H hay grupitos de judíos con las levitas negras, barbas, sombreros... son pintorescos, parece que fueran disfrazados.

We arrive at the store, B&H (, specialized in electronics, photography and video. All the clerks are Jews. The majority are orthodox Jews (lubavitch) for which they carry tresses, beard and a small one sombrerito, since for a Jew should always have something situated between its head and God. We ask a clerk if speaks Spanish, and directs us toward another salesperson of a nearby counter, Federico, native of Asturias, and with less paints of Jew that none. Each one we buy a card of 512 Mb, the price is similar to Spain. In the 6 you gave we will do more than 1.400 photos between the two, an average of more than 200 photos al I gave. Al to leave B&H there is grupitos of Jews with the black coats, beards, hats... they are picturesque, I seems that to be disguised.


Anonymous said...

post the picture please

sharing is a must

come back again to bhphoto the best service

Editor said...

may you have hatzlacha rabbah

shana tova