
Monday, August 08, 2005

Eishes Chayil: Pseudo-Christians

Eishes Chayil: Pseudo-Christians

Just wanted to share a couple thoughts that relate to Hirhurim's new post, Messianic Meshugas.

From NY Newsday:

A new billboard on the West Side Highway and 44th Street proclaims "Moshiach" - Messiah - "Is Here" under a picture of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Crown Heights, the charismatic Jewish leader known as the Rebbe who died 11 years ago...

Gil's Comments:
Their foolishness makes us all look like idiots (or pseudo-Christians). To the outside world, Jews are all the same, especially if they are wearing black hats and have beards. This is my religion they are distorting!

Compare with the prior post. Is this how the Messianic Era is supposed to be? A dead rabbi who needs the PR efforts of some women's group who believe that "publicly acknowledging Schneerson as the Messiah would hasten the process leading to the End of Days"???

My Comments:
Someone once asked me during my conversion process, how did I know to avoid Chabad and choose "regular" Orthodox Judaism? I told her that I had previously been a xtian, and that Chabad seemed "xtian" to me in some of their beliefs. (Xtians believe in a dead messiah, so does Chabad. Xtians believe he's "coming back", so does Chabad). I had already rejected one religion with false beliefs, why would I choose another with some of the same false beliefs? I also notice that they tend to draw people in the same way xtians do.

It's scary stuff, and I wonder why more people don't see it. Or, if they do, why don't we hear more people, especially our Rabbis, speaking out against this false teaching? The more I find out about them, the more nervous I get.
posted by Eishes Chayil @ 8:19 PM

At 10:12 PM, erica Lubavitch said…

Apparently anyone associated, affiliated, remotely related or a staunch supporter of Lubavitch shares their views with every Meshuggene that calls themselves Lubavitch.

At 10:30 PM, callieischatty said…


At 12:07 AM, Zoe Strickman said…

As a Lubavicher, I also can't stand this whole mishichist thing. It's so retarded. -Zoe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because some Lubavitchers say that does NOT mean all Lubavitchers do. How can you base chabad on some individuals? are you even aware of the work chabad does, what chabad stands for, what the Rebbe encouraged? everything The Rebbe spoke about was 1000 percent acoording to Torah. IHe only strengthened peoples connection to Hashem and encouraged people to do Mitzvos. If certain individuals say things that dont make sense to you does that mean everyones like that? does that mean the whole chabad is craZy and like christians? Soprry as a chabbad shliach, i am unfortuantley not shocked but saddened that people are really not knowledgable about what chabad is about. I feel sad that these individuals make peope think thats what we are, it isnt, on the other hand its always something.. before iot was abour moshiach it was something else.. I dont understand why but hey I guess as long as Im serving Hashem the best way I can and as long as I know that im trying to hepJews connect to their heritage and to Torah.. I guess it shouldnt bother me so much.. but it still does:(