
Friday, December 22, 2006

Mystery Solved -from the blogs..

I asked one of the Jewish kids what they're doing. They're handing out Menorah candles (but only if you're Jewish!), sponsored by Yeshivas Lubavitch Oholei Menachem Mendel Student Outreach Organization. I got a pamphlet. It's all about the history & practice of Chanukah. The first couple of pages (The Story - Part I and II) have sidebars with lessons that can be drawn from the history. I now know that

- Megalomania is NOT an effective strategy to acheive long-term goals.

- Messing with the Jewish identity is dangerous.

- Being a tax-paying citizen is nice, but sometimes you have to stand up for your rights.

- Even gentle animals like elephants can be roped into playing the bad guy.

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