
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Zt"l

My previous post had a thought from last week's Hamodia. The quote from Hamodia wrote about "The Late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Zt"l." It is kind of funny that Hamodia used the word Late before mentioning the Rebbe and then afterward write ZT"L because the words ZT'L after someone's names means that person died. I never saw any other gadol refered to as being Late. You never see the Late Rabbi Solovetchik. Either way, its obvious why Hamodia wrote it the way that they wrote it.

There were three Chabad references in last week's Hamodia. I was very happy when I saw this quote in Hamodia. I think that Chabad is definetely a mixed bag (like all things in life and in judasim) and I think the good stuff in Chabad is really good and I am always disappointed when I see the moshiach issue and the moshiachist themselves muck up everything, because the moshiach issue somehow extinguishes all the good things about the Rebbe and what his message was. So Hamodia, the Chassidus oriented newspaper (I think?), quoted nice things about Chabad in a few places and if the newspaper feels that it has to stress that the Rebbe is dead before quoting him in order to quote a nice thought he had, then kol hakavod. I think I am going to start referring to the Rebbe in the same way before I quote him.

Now I just have to work on getting Hamodia to deliever my newspaper on time so I don't have to read last week's issue a week later.

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